Sunday, December 13, 2009

Operation Resources, Inc.

Operation Resources is a non-profit organization dedicated to raising money through sales of apparel/accessories and general fund raising in order to provide scholarships for underprivileged students. You can donate and apply for scholarships on this page.

Operation Resources, Inc. is a non-profit 501(c)(3),tax-exempt organization founded in 1993 to help low-income students attend an approved college or university. In the last fifteen years Operation Resources, Inc. has awarded over $60,000 in scholarships to 90 disadvantaged students and successfully informed the community with health and education awareness programs.

We believe that every student deserves to have a proper education regardless of his perceived race or financial means. But our society does not allow every student that chance. As long as we are divided into Black and White, Rich and Poor, Right and Left, we will not be able to over come the economic and educational short falls that plague our modern world. Operation Resources, Inc. and its Scholarship Fund were founded to help correct these ills.

But Operation Resources, Inc. cannot do this by itself. We rely on charitable donations from our community to help fund our scholarships. However, donations are not enough. To continually fund Operation Resources, Inc. Scholarships and fund our health and educational awareness programs, we also sell really cool, high quality products, each emblazoned with our unique unity logo.

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